Physics in “Final Fantasy VII Advent Children”
I. Introduction – Incorrect Physics in the fight scene between Loz and Tifa in the church
• a. Action/Reaction Principle broken
• b. Newton’s first Law of Motion broken
• c. Physics principles concerning overlap broken
II. Action/Reaction Principle broken
• a. Tifa’s roundhouse kicks to Loz
o first main attack of scene and sets stage for physics of scene
o Loz barely reacts to the kick, bending back but not flying away
o Balanced forces here, sets standard for scene
• b. Loz’s first attack with his electric weapon
o Loz’s attack has very little horizontal force
o Tifa’s reaction is flying back several yards away
o Imbalance of forces
• c. Loz’s pew kick at Tifa
o Loz kicks the pew with strong force, but not enough to justify the distance and speed it flies
o Tifa blocks pew and hardly reacts at all to the horizontal force of the pew
o Imbalance of forces
• After Tifa jumps off the wall, she grabs Loz and throws him up into the air
o Tifa grabs Loz with 1 hand and pulls him off his feet, dragging him against ground
o Tifa throws Loz into the air without pushing off from the ground at all
o Imbalance of forces
III. Newton’s first Law of Motion broken
• a. Tifa is thrown against the wall and stays there for long period of time
o Shot is simulating centrifugal effect that can be seen in spinning carnival rides
o However in those rides the centrifugal force is constantly acting on the people to keep them against the wall
o Tifa comes to a complete stop against the wall, meaning that the wall exerted an equal and opposite force on her which canceled out her horizontal force
o The moment Tifa’s horizontal force is canceled, she should fall to the ground, but doesn’t
o Had Tifa increased the time of impact by bending her legs as she hit the wall, she would stay there a little longer in real life
o Crumple zone effect in cars
• b. Loz thrown into air by Tifa
o Loz’s horizontal speed slows down in midair
o Breaks Newton’s first law of motion b/c no force is lowing Loz down
o Tifa must use a great amount of frictional force to stop her horizontal speed before she jumps up into the air
IV. Physics principles concerning overlap broken
• a. When Tifa is thrown against the wall
o Flowers fly up as an overlap to Tifa flying by them
The flowers fly up vertically with no horizontal motion to them
In real life, the flowers would fly in the direction Tifa was moving, because of the wind current created by Tifa flying by them
o How Tifa’s drapery reacts
Tifa’s drapery slowly hits the wall
In real life it would slam into the wall at the same speed Tifa was going
Newton’s first law, the drapery would keep going at the same speed until it hits the wall
• When Tifa is being spun around and knocked into the pews by Loz
o One pew reacts by being struck by Tifa
The pew flies up into the air with very little horizontal force, despite the fact that Tifa hit the pew horizontally
The pew flies high up into the air and stays there for quite a long time, despite the small vertical force on it
V. Conclusion
• a. Summarize points
• b. Restate thesis